Gym Smelling Salts

Stay Alert and Energized with Smelling Salts
Smelling salts work by releasing an ammonia gas that kicks your breathing into gear, and temporarily elevates your heart rate, blood pressure, and brain activity. In short, it makes you alert and ready to go. Cerberus gym smelling salts come in a variety of blends that don’t mess around. We combine elements like eucalyptus oil, menthol and other natural ingredients with salts that release an ammonia gas. One little sniff will clear your airways and wake you up with an invigorating kick that’s just right.
We’ve packaged our high-quality smelling salts in childproof bottles to keep them safe, and prevent them from leaking (like other brands of smelling salts have been known to do). Keep them hand when you need that extra “push” to go for more!
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