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BIGGEST Strongman Kit Bag?!

BIGGEST Strongman Kit Bag?!

January 17, 2022 |

Strongman being the crazy sport it is requires A LOT of equipment to compete to your fullest potential, here Ken Nowicki (@KNStrongman) goes over what's been in his contest bag for the last 15 years as well as introduces you to the BRAND NEW Cerberus Competition Kit Bag!!  

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Floss Bands: Their Benefits and How to Use Them

Floss Bands: Their Benefits and How to Use Them

November 26, 2021 |

WHAT IS FLOSSING? Flossing is a method of soft tissue mobilization/manipulation using a CERBERUS floss band to apply compression during active or passive mobilization. The main purpose is to restore joint range of motion and separate matted down or injured tissue, to decrease muscle soreness and recovery time by promoting...

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What is a Grip/Hip Halo, how do you use it?

What is a Grip/Hip Halo, how do you use it?

May 22, 2020 |

What is a Halo? Our Hip Halo is a must have dynamic warmup device for your lower body in preparation for a lower body workout or any sports activity. The Hip Halo can also be used as a specific warm up for squats and deadlifts by doing air squats, good...

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